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Kyoto is a historical city which has many World Heritage sites, including the buildings and gardens associated with many temples and the shrines which attract people both inside and outside Japan.

However, there are also many unknown buildings and gardens in addition.

This institution is established for their preservation and inheritance by listing these unknown valuable buildings and gardens in order to increase citizen's awareness before bringing down these heritages.
This institution features a recommendation system by citizens and in addition, without the restriction of past opinions. It encourages awareness of the invisible and historical values besides what is seen as simply buildings and gardens.
On the website, "Buildings and Gardens that we want to preserve as Kyoto's Treasure" is a written list, which are recommendations by citizens and selected by the Review Board (also approved for public announcement).
Every building and garden is a treasure. The ones with high value hold the approval mark (to which we are planning to offer special support in the future).
We would like to continue listing more "Buildings and Gardens coloring Kyoto" from time to time.

How to use the website...

1. Major pages are "List", "Map" and "Irodori (Feature) of the Month".
(1) "List" is classified by administrative district and shows "Name", "Photo" and "Reason of Recommendation (Abstract)". When you click "Photo", go to "Detailed Page" of the selected site.
(2) "Map" links from the entire Kyoto City Map to each administrative districts窶・"Detailed Map". (Link from Map and Place name) In the "Detailed Map" of each administrative district, since we assigned a number on the located address and the name of the site, by clicking, it moves to "Detailed page of each site".
(3) "Irodori (Feature) of the Month" is to introduce the selected site in a monthly series.

2. For other pages, there are "Introduction of Institution", "Application Method" and so on.

京都を彩る建物や庭園 応募フォーム
※遷移画面   1 入力画面⇒ 2 入力内容の確認画面⇒ 3 送信

  1. 以下のフォームの1から7まですべて入力してください。
  2. 応募フォームに記入された内容(写真を含む)は,本制度に関連する資料に引用することがあります。
  3. 内容の確認のため,応募者に連絡することがあります。内容が不明瞭なもの,応募者に連絡がつかないものは,審査の対象外となる場合があります。
1 あなたが残したいと思う建物や庭園の名称及び所在地(住所)を教えてください。



2 それは,あなたが所有しているものですか?
3 それは,建物ですか?,庭園ですか?
4 あなたのお名前と連絡先(電話番号)を記入してください。








5 京都市内にお住まいですか? 京都市内に通勤,通学されていますか?(行政区を記入して,当てはまるものにチェックしてください。)

6 あなたが,それを京都市の財産として残したいと思う理由を教えてください。(誰にもよくわかるように詳しく記入してください。)
7 応募される建物や庭園の写真を添付してください。(ファイル合計10MB以内)

